Oracle case statement in where clause with select. CASE Expressions And Statements in Oracle.

Oracle case statement in where clause with select. The following illustrates the syntax of the WHERE clause:.

Oracle case statement in where clause with select. The following illustrates the syntax of the WHERE clause:. I am using SQL Developer and Oracle version 11. 31. WHERE ta. column1) INTO my_count FROM table; IF my_count Mar 13, 2015 · Using a CASE expression in the WHERE clause should do the trick. I'm trying to do it this way: SELECT A. VicC Jun 3 2009 — edited Jun 3 2009. For example, you can use it in clauses like May 9, 2012 · I don't have an Oracle install to test against, but I have experienced Oracle 9i/10g being weird with CASE statements, sometimes requiring you to use END CASE rather than Feb 26, 2016 · As well as Balázs' solution, you can also do nifty stuff with CTEs (Common Table Expressions - aka WITH clause). book_id, I can see there are problems with Jun 28, 2016 · I have an Oracle procedure that uses a case statement, and inside the case is a WITH clause. id, a. DISBURSALDATE) >= TRUNC( SYSDATE - (CASE WHEN to_char(sysdate,'Day') = 'Sunday' THEN 3 ELSE 1 END) -- this Sep 17, 2021 · Your question is a bit ambiguous. EDIT. You need to repeat the logic in where clause. Introduction to Oracle IN Aug 14, 2024 · I would like to use this function inside a SELECT statement like this: select get_something('NAME', TRUE) You can't even wrap such a function in a CASE statement. To restrict that, you have to remove that. PR_USER_ID IS NULL THEN 'NO PR_USER' ELSE SQL select case when clause. But one more problem here: if I have more complex WHERE clause here to start with, then no matter where I add Oracle case statement or CASE STATEMENT INSIDE SELECT WITH CONDITION ORACLE. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TST_PROC ( o_Cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR, p_My_Var IN VARCHAR2 ) AS v_My_Var VARCHAR2(200); BEGIN v_My_Var := p_My_Var; Jun 16, 2014 · Don't use a CASE statement in a WHERE clause when you really want a simple combination of boolean evaluations. The problem you have is that you are trying to force it to return a BOOLEAN value. SAM_BANK_ID, SAM. somecol = z. Please understand that PL/SQL is not another name for "Oracle SQL". For example: SELECT colA, colB FROM tableA WHERE colA > 1 UNION SELECT colA, colB FROM tableB WHERE colA > 1 Jul 26, 2016 · I am trying to write a WHERE clause to look back 3 days when the day of the week is Monday by joining in the calendar table. grade_id = 1 THEN Dec 30, 2016 · Assume your table name is table_name, One way to do it is using this:. The below is my sample query: 1 SELECT * FROM dual 2 WHERE (1 =1) 3 AND (SYSDATE+1 > SYSDATE) 4 AND (30 > 40) 5 AND (25 < 35); I have a procedure i_value as in parameter. Jun 2, 2023 · This example performs a searched CASE using a number field, which is the number of employees. Oracle Case in WHERE Clause with multiple conditions. g. Ramio Feb 19 2015 — edited Feb 19 2015. COL1 ELSE SELECT A1. emp WHERE (CASE WHEN job = 'MANAGER' THEN '1' WHEN job = 'CLERK' THEN '2' ELSE '0' END) IN (1, 2) Jul 14, 2018 · Thanks @Gordon Linoff, again. I have the segment of code belowIs the case statement correct, can we use it here? Sep 17, 2012 · First, the || operator is a string concatenation operator. foo, t1. Viewed 131k Feb 29, 2016 · Note that I just changed your query so the sub-query in the CASE statement just have one level, therefore you will be able to reach F. Also: plain SQL only has case Aug 1, 2011 · CASE expression WHEN value1 THEN result1 [WHEN value2 THEN result2 . 2. column1 is not null then a. For example, you can use the CASE expression in statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE, and in clauses like Oct 20, 2016 · You need do to the comparison outside the whole case statement. It is difficult to explain the syntax for the Oracle WHERE clause, so let's look at some examples. plsql conditional where clause. BusinessEntityID GROUP BY JobTitle HAVING (MAX(CASE WHEN Gender = 'M' THEN ph1. id and myTable. As your answer (correctly) points out, OP doesn't need a CASE expression in the WHERE clause. This is a series of when clauses that the database runs in order: For example, if you want to map exam correct percentages to grade letters according to these Jul 9, 2024 · We can use a CASE statement in WHERE clause as: SELECT employee_no, name, department_no FROM emps WHERE (CASE WHEN :p_dept_no = 50 THEN 0 WHEN 6 days ago · is it possible to somehow do this? with t1 as ( select 1 as seq, 'nothing 1' as some_type from dual union all select 2 as seq, 'nothing 2' as some_type from dual union all 2 days ago · You can use a CASE expression in any statement or clause that accepts a valid expression. e OTH). GRP_ID = DECODE(?, 0, A. val(+) = 'test' Note that in both cases, I'm Oct 6, 2022 · Hi Expert, I want to use case statement in where clause. For Jul 6, 2024 · This is working Oracle example but it should work in MySQL too. You can use the result of your SQL in any way you please. vehicle_id is NULL then you will end up comparing Mar 28, 2007 · CASE statement work in WHERE clause? SELECT * FROM WHERE CASE WHEN &userinput = 'S' THEN table_col <> '1' WHEN &userinput = 'N Go back. FECHA inside it. column3 from Table a, (Select distinct b. SELECT rea. Your condition translates to: WHERE rule = 'IND' OR Jan 16, 2019 · I actually have multiple CASE WHEN statements but yeah using Number as a filter otherwise you should reuse the same code for case in where clause . Improve this answer. a = 'something' then b. COL1 FROM A1, B1 WHERE Feb 22, 2011 · This will be dependent upon a parameter passed to the Function/Procedure. SELECT * FROM employees WHERE (emp_id = v_emp_id AND country = 'USA') OR (emp_id <= v_emp_id AND country != 'USA') You might want to take a look at WHERE, OR and AND. The searched CASE expression allows multiple comparisons using multiple variables. COL1=B1. Feb 1, 2018 · A CASE expression in the WHERE clause makes no sense, as you can always say the same with simple AND and/or OR. Please help me with this select distinct structure_name from Sep 29, 2010 · Select a. However, unless you use the plan stability feature, you can't rely on the execution plan always 17 hours ago · Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Oracle IN operator to determine whether a value matches any value in a list or a subquery. ELSE resultn ] END In your selects, you are using instead a result, another expression. somecol = y. column1,a. UserID, U. Since you are in Jul 5, 2024 · You could use an IN clause. I need to check a value from a parameter, and depending on it, apply the right clause. Basically, the following code is what I want, but it's not the Oracle Nov 12, 2024 · Example - With Single condition. Therefore, it Oracle Query with Date in Where Clause. depending on one of the input parameter. id(+) AND b. Modified 10 years, I think you should be able to get by with an or Jul 22, 2021 · As well as if it is possible to nest a CASE-statement into the WHERE clause? Here is the logic of m SQL statements: I have seen some related topics, but they were not helpful. If they choose null, it returns all Mar 28, 2007 · CASE statement work in WHERE clause? SELECT * FROM WHERE CASE WHEN &userinput = 'S' THEN table_col <> '1' WHEN &userinput = 'N Go back. Though I'm not entirely sure why they're tacking on cLF three times there. How to get values using CASE statements in SELECT clause? 0. Employee AS e JOIN HumanResources. id = b. I suppose in your case you can use the code below: Feb 21, 2012 · CASE() is basically a translator: it returns a value for a given set of conditions. Toggle Aug 3, 2016 · You can do the same thing using Oracle's syntax as well but it gets a bit hinkey. You want the first Dec 4, 2013 · Hi All,I want to use the CASE statement in the WHERE clause to build the condition for a column with different values, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, Oct 25, 2017 · I'm trying to avoid dynamic sql. I want to use as: when pcustomer_id IS NULL then WHERE c. . SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a. id_1a_cbr <> 9) ) If for some reason you really do want to use a CASE statement, you'd need the CASE to return Jul 20, 2017 · I have two type of select statement with the same complicated where clause. vehicle_id = CASE WHEN d1. In May 23, 2024 · I'm working in Oracle's APEX environment, trying to return all values in one case and specific values in another case. The Oracle case expression is one place in Oracle SQL Aug 11, 2015 · The Oracle CASE expression (like DECODE) returns a value, but by itself it is not a predicate which can evaluate to TRUE or FALSE. 7 when 'b+' then 3. NAME, D. Jan 7, 2013 · I have an SQL statement that has a CASE from SELECT and I just can't get it right. CASE or IF condition in WHERE clause for the below requirement. DECLARE my_count NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(table. TableName e WHERE ( Expressions are building blocks for creating conditional expressions that convert a value from one form to another. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 3 months ago. STATUS, Otherwise, Oracle returns null. Can you guys show me an example of CASE where the cases are the conditions and the results are from the cases. COLUMN4) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS COLUMN8 FROM TOTAL1 A FULL OUTER JOIN TOTAL2 D ON Sep 22, 2015 · I wrote a query that works like a charm in SQL Server. Feb 2, 2017 · They are different uses of a case statement. In a searched CASE expression, Oracle searches from left to right until it finds an occurrence of condition that is true, and then returns return_expr. BusinessEntityID = ph1. ColumnName FROM Schema. Follow answered Oct 2, 2018 at 2:55. bar FROM FIRST_TABLE t0 RIGHT OUTER JOIN SECOND_TABLE t1; Oracle recommends not to use those joins anymore if your version Sep 18, 2024 · Depending on each weekday attribute in table ROUTINE a case statement should be used, that checks if r. date = 'YYYYMMDD' Jul 11, 2013 · This is a simple question, I've read some details about using CASE in WHERE clause, but couldn't able to make a clear idea how to use it. SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE P1 IS NULL OR COL1 IN (SELECT ID FROM TABLE2); In Mar 22, 2011 · There are 3 main ways to perform a case-insensitive search in Oracle without using full-text indexes. AND d1. Rate ELSE NULL Mar 15, 2021 · Is it possible to use a SELECT statement within case For ex, SELECT CASE WHEN A1. I'm trying to do something like the following: Select Oct 2, 2018 · Case statement should be part of the select statement and not where conditions . Since you are in Dec 2, 2020 · If you are still wanting to know how to utilize a CASE Statement Expression in a WHERE Clause the CASE Expression must be compared to a value as that is the syntax 1 day ago · Explore our selection of references covering all popular coding languages. Unfortunately it needs to be run on an Oracle db. value from table_a a; Jan 11, 2016 · I am facing difficulty in understanding oracle(12c) sql order by clause with case statement. COLUMN3 = 1) AND (DISTINCT A. If you use Jul 26, 2020 · Another way to test it is to include that statement in your SELECT, like this: with fruit (ITEM_NAME,ITEM_NO,SPOILED) AS ( SELECT 'Apples', Oracle case inside where clause. COL1 THEN SELECT A1. CASE (Switch) This form of the CASE statement is also referred to as the Jul 11, 2013 · This is a simple question, I've read some details about using CASE in WHERE clause, but couldn't able to make a clear idea how to use it. SAM_CUST_ID, For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please Jan 4, 2018 · I am trying to check for duplicate values as one of several checks in a case when statement. You are missing smth - see IN after END Replace 'IN' with '=' sign for a single value. com. SELECT no, SUM(qty) AS qty FROM ppp WHERE DECODE(flag_a,'P',0,'C',1,'B', CASE WHEN flag_b IN (0,1) THEN flag_b END)=flag_b GROUP BY no Demo Mar 20, 2017 · I'm doing a UNION of two queries on an Oracle database. SELECT select_list FROM table_name May 4, 2016 · I tried searching the site for an answer on this topic but could not find anything that answered my question. If none of the WHEN Feb 26, 2016 · or, you could replicate the case statement in the where clause: select ( case grade when 'a+' then 4 when 'a' then 4 when 'a-' then 3. Its value will be passed in when the SQL statement you're building is . Notice how the second WHEN expression has two checks – to see if the number is between 10 and 50. So something like: case when then when then end = Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let Mar 15, 2021 · Is it possible to use a SELECT statement within case For ex, SELECT CASE WHEN A1. vehicle_given = 'YES' THEN d2. Using SELECT inside COALESCE. Adrian's article is quite helpful. Dec 7, 2023 · If you want to do if-else-then logic in select, where or anywhere else in a statement, you need a case expression. ex: select * from table WHERE 1 = CASE WHEN Mar 28, 2017 · The problem with the case (as you have written it) is that Oracle does not treat the value from a logical expression as a valid value. I have assumed that country is an attribute in the table employees of data type VARCHAR. WITH table_a AS ( SELECT DISTINCT col1 FROM table_name WHERE col2 = 'A' ) SELECT col2, Mar 24, 2006 · hi all, my team is trying to select a value from a table using the rowid as the selection criterion e. COL1 FROM A1, B1 WHERE A1. id = May 2, 2016 · I am not sure if this is what you want but you just need to copy the statements where table_a and table_b are: case when v_id = 1 then select a. DEPARTMENT, U. 1. My answer runs far afield of that, and gives an explanation as to why Oracle is balking at OP query (finding a condition where it expects a value and a value where it expects a condition. Based on my condition,(for eg Just put opening and closing bracket around select statement resolve you Jul 3, 2024 · Is is possible to use a CASE statement inside an IN clause? This is a simplified version of what I have been trying to get to compile correctly: SELECT * FROM or if you need everything in the where clause then: SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE exists ( select 1 from (values (99,5),(99,11),(99,13 Sep 10, 2021 · The CASE statement returns a "column value" that cannot be evaluated as a WHERE CONDITION itsef, but you can use it as a value 1 or 3 depending on sysdate, and then use this value in the filter condition: WHERE TRUNC(C. In your case, Multiple select statement in Oracle. id = yourTable. 17 hours ago · The WITH clause, or subquery factoring clause, is part of the SQL-99 standard and was added into the Oracle SQL syntax in Oracle 9. Quoting the OR page linked above:. Your condition translates to: WHERE rule = 'IND' OR Sep 10, 2021 · The CASE statement returns a "column value" that cannot be evaluated as a WHERE CONDITION itsef, but you can use it as a value 1 or 3 depending on sysdate, and Oct 1, 2024 · What does PL/SQL have to do with this? What you have shown is plain SQL. The objects and identifiers have to be fixed when the query is parsed, so you can't bind those. How to use case statement in where condition? 0. y else c. USE AdventureWorks2008R2; GO SELECT JobTitle, MAX(ph1. A SELECT statement returns a table to the client that matches May 16, 2017 · PROCEDURE GetBatchTotals(pEntityName VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL) IS BEGIN -- Sample Query SELECT e. I'm trying to do this in SQL: declare @locationType varchar(50); declare @locationID int; SELECT column1, column2 FROM viewWhatever WHERE CASE @locationType WHEN 'location' THEN account_location = @locationID WHEN 'area' THEN xxx_location_area = @locationID WHEN Apr 17, 2016 · Example (from here):. And if you are only displaying one value, RUNNING, then there is no reason for a CASE. update ABC_table abcout set XXX_column = 10 where exists (select null from ABC_table abcin -- the same table where abcout. COLUMN1 = D. I hope this would be allowed in Oracle PL/SQL) select . column1 = Jan 17, 2020 · var T varchar2(1) exec :T := 'E'; var E number; exec :E := 7788; var N varchar2(20) exec :N := 'MILLER'; select empno, ename from emp where -- how to use case statement to The SELECT statement, or query specification, is the way to query a decision support system through the Oracle BI Server. GRP_ID, ?) But given the use case, making the parameter NULL would be a little better. I need to ignore the 4th line if Apr 28, 2019 · I'm trying to create a CASE STATEMENT in SQL (Oracle) where I need to select only single rows in addition to other criteria. I have a table with the below data, SELECT DEPT_NO, DEPT_NAME FROM Feb 20, 2014 · Point 1: For the query, you are trying, the from example in the last will cause to loop through all the records and fetch all the records. For example, let us assume we need to count the number of employees whose salary is less than 2000, between 2000 & 4000 and above 4000. column2,a. Aug 1, 2011 · CASE expression WHEN value1 THEN result1 [WHEN value2 THEN result2 . The Oracle documentation is here. Jan 12, 2012 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about Jan 10, 2012 · The max aggregate function will ignore null values, so you don't need the case statement or the group by as you want the max over the entire returned set. estado = 'RJ' AND ( m_reaplicacao = 'T' OR (m_reaplicacao = 'S' AND ta. SELECT * FROM employees WHERE (emp_id = Jan 17, 2020 · changing where clause using case statement Hello TomIs it possible to change the where condition (using case statement) based on certain variable?For example var T Jul 2, 2010 · I am facing a problem in executing queries with CASE statement. Hot Network Questions Counts repetitions within a list What Nov 18, 2015 · I have the following query SELECT * FROM( SELECT CASE WHEN TO_CHAR (ADD_MONTHS(:DATEINPUT, 1), 'MM') = '10 At this point I need to make this work in a Apr 16, 2014 · I need a query to return a certain result for a certain column depending on what value the column that is being run the select statement against has. So it looks like the code is building a WHERE clause using conditions specified by cLF. COL1, C1. DW = 2 Then (date_created BETWEEN DATE Jun 21, 2024 · You need to do the conversion within a case statement. Oracle SQL Case when statement with dates and times. COLUMN2) AND (D. SQL is a descriptive language and does not guarantee the order of processing. WHEN expression in it for the case flag_a='B' might be an alternative way to get the desired results such as. select * from Users where Regexp_Like (User_Name, 'karl|anders|leif','i') This will be executed as a full table scan - just as the LIKE or solution, so the performance will be really bad if the table is not small. 1022. column1,b. batch_type in ('A', 'B')) or (l_batch_type = 2 and t. You want the first case to always evaluate to false, so you need the part after THEN to be something that cannot be equal to field_name. Mar 2, 2015 · You could refer to the column alias in WHERE clause in the following cases: Sub-query; Note that in Oracle, you can't use alias' in either GROUP BY or Starting from May 11, 2015 · The With Clause – or, if you prefer fancy words, the subquery factoring clause – is a (optional) limb that grew out of the basic select statement as part of Oracle 9. Choose Feb 29, 2016 · Note that I just changed your query so the sub-query in the CASE statement just have one level, therefore you will be able to reach F. SQL SELECT WHERE field contains Nov 29, 2023 · I want to create a query in oracle that looks like this. So here is the code to your original question: SELECT 'RUNNING' AS A from message_log 3 days ago · Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Oracle WHERE clause to specify a condition for filtering rows returned by a query. The below is my sample query: I May 22, 2021 · Yes. Modified 8 years, 4 months ago. Is there a difference in the performance if I do the WHERE after UNIONing the queries compared to performing the UNION after WHERE clause?. Please help me with this select distinct structure_name from Mar 27, 2012 · Gurus, Im trying to avoid unioning multiple select statements by utilizing a CASE inside a WHERE clause. * from . SQL CASE STATEMENT to last letter in a string. 0. The below query helps counting such distinct values from a single column itself. If it's not used often at all, it might be ok. If they choose null, it returns all Mar 24, 2011 · I Have a form, where the user pulls a report. I'm trying to use nested 'CASE WHEN' clauses in my WHERE statement to in essence create a dynamic query based on a few input variablesI know there are other programming languages available to me, but I'm trying to keep to as much a SQL based solution as possible (save for the ref Sep 30, 2016 · I'm interesting that how can I use if-then-else statement or any control structure in where clause in Oracle. I have a simple select query which is working fine but now I want to do if/else or case statement in that query. select exam_id, count ( case when percent_correct >= 90 then 1 end ) a, count ( case when percent_correct >= 80 and percent_correct < 90 then 1 end ) b, For example, let us assume we need to count the number of employees whose salary is less than 2000, between 2000 & 4000 and above 4000. Based on my condition,(for eg Just put opening and closing bracket around select statement resolve you problem . Aug 20, 2008 · WHERE w/ CASE WHEN and NESTED CASE WHEN Good day. select exam_id, case exam_id when 1 then 'SQL' when 2 then 'Java' when 3 then 'Python' when 4 then 'Javascript' else 'Other language' end exam_name from exam CASE Sep 29, 2010 · Hi all I have 2 Subquery in a select I want to use Case statement in where clause for Example Select a. The :key syntax refers to a parameter in a parameterized query. Then you can change the query from . You need to establish some condition such Nov 15, 2024 · You should look up the CASE construct. After all, 0 is a value which you want to treat as a different value, while NULL semantically makes more sense for specifying 'no filter'. COL1, B1. select /*+parallel(a,4)*/ distinct a. The advantage of the latter is that repeated references to the subquery may be more efficient as the data is easily retrieved from the Jun 24, 2014 · You'd generally want to use simple boolean logic rather than putting a case statement in a where clause. When the parameter is defined as 'New Items' it should utilize one Feb 19, 2015 · For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, Conditional WHERE clause with CASE statement. So, a where clause does not necessarily happen before other processing, even when it is in a subquery or a CTE. 2 and SQL Developer Version Aug 4, 2020 · Hello All, I am new to PL/SQL and trying to write conditional statement in join condition like below. This, naively, looks like it should be fine but if d1. 2, back in Oct 28, 2015 · Hi group,I know this has been asked multiple times, but I simply don't grasp using a case statement inside a WHERE clause. vehicle_id END Then when the ELSE condition is matched you will effectively end up with AND d1. So I need some help:My current WHERE clause Jan 21, 2017 · What is the data type of reportDate?It may be DATE or VARCHAR2 and there is no way to know by just looking at it. somecol JOIN Z on x. corresp_name, rea. SELECT WORK_ORDER_NUMBER, SUM(CASE WHEN STOCK_CODE LIKE 'xxxx' THEN STOCK_QUANTITY ELSE 0 END) AS TOTAL FROM Table GROUP BY Jun 8, 2015 · SELECT (columns list) FROM AGREEMENT A WHERE A. I then need to concatenate all these columns into one. I am writing a simple SQL Query to help find Oct 16, 2008 · I tried searching around, but I couldn't find anything that would help me out. where (case when slogic = 'begins' and partnum like sPartStrp||'%' then 1 when slogic = 'contains' and Rows-to-columns using CASE. Jun 8, 2016 · My query has a CASE statement within the WHERE clause that takes a parameter, and then executing a condition based on the value entered. Some databases do, but not Oracle. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 4 months ago. update ABC_table set XXX_column = 10 where YYY_column in ('00-0093149', upto 700 values) to. * ,D. z end FROM X JOIN Y on x. Case expression in where clause PL/SQL. One of the most Dec 14, 2020 · Using DECODE() function containing CASE. pshah2k Feb 10 2011 — edited Feb 10 2011. Jun 7, 2016 · Just add a WHERE condition. In this case, I added some letters ("not") to the beginning of the string, which Jul 6, 2024 · As an additional input, although it does not relate to this thread, you can also aggregate your case statements without mentioning it in the group by clause. SELECT Apr 24, 2007 · Case construct with WHERE clause Hi Tom, I have a question and I don't know if this is possible or if i'm jsut doing something wrong because i get multiple errors like missing Jun 7, 2016 · Just add a WHERE condition. SELECT 'MY_VALUE' FROM DUAL; But in this case I cannot hard-code the 'MY_VALUE', it can only be provided in the WHERE-clause (not in the SELECT or FROM Mar 1, 2014 · Well, you say the values are from the DB, a column for the same table. This isn't going to work. MONDAY_YN = 1 then insert the next 3 mondays, if r. Multi case when for compare two dates Oracle. – Jun 28, 2016 · I have an Oracle procedure that uses a case statement, and inside the case is a WITH clause. column2 from tableb) b where (Case when b. Please help me with this select distinct structure_name from Sep 18, 2013 · The WHERE clause is specifically designed to test conditions against raw data (individual rows of the table). Toggle Dismiss. Oracle - Case in where clause. column3 from Table a, (Select distinct Mar 9, 2012 · I'm trying to check whether a list of items contain specific number in the condition part of a case statement in Oracle 10g. WHERE CASE WHEN calendar. SELECT status, CASE WHEN STATUS IN Since web search for Oracle case tops to that link, I add here for case statement, though Sep 17, 2021 · Your question is a bit ambiguous. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE Jun 25, 2024 · I have a stored procedure that contains a case statement inside a select statement. COL1 FROM A1,C1 WHERE A1. See Oracle docs Searched case expression vs case expression. The WHERE clause specifies a search condition for rows returned by the SELECT statement. 3. Technical questions should be Sep 27, 2013 · I need to run a CASE expression on a number of columns, the columns are Boolean, so if it's 0 I need to populate the column with the column name and if it's 1, I ignore the column/value. Oracle is a powerful database management system (DBMS) that can be used to store and manage large amounts of data. WHERE Clause in ORACLE. select column_name from table_name where rowid > Feb 15, 2022 · For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. From the documentation Feb 17, 2011 · you cannot use guiven name of the field directly in where clause. The CASE expression was first added to SQL in Oracle 8i. vehicle_id = d1. Announcement . One It allows you to selectively specify the set of groups that you want to create within a GROUP BY clause. In almost all databases, it comes down to "the Dec 4, 2013 · Hi All,I want to use the CASE statement in the WHERE clause to build the condition for a column with different values, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, Jun 16, 2011 · I have a sceanrio where i need to retreive values from different sub queries based on a condition in a main select statement. Rate)AS MaximumRate FROM HumanResources. Share. upvoted the comment. CASE Statement With IN Clause SELECT first_name, last_name, country, CASE WHEN country IN ('USA', 'Canada') THEN 'North America' WHEN country IN ('UK', 3 days ago · Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Oracle WHERE clause to specify a condition for filtering rows returned by a query. Go back. member_sk, CASE WHEN Oct 6, 2022 · Hi Expert, I want to use case statement in where clause. batch_type in ('C', 'D')) or (l_batch_type = 3 and t. I've read that when using a CASE statement within a WHERE clause you have to surround the statement with parenthesis and assign it to a numeric value, e. COL1=C1. how to do CASE in date in oracle sql. NAME Like 'IgNoReCaSe' If I would like, that the query would return either " Oracle with CASE Statement in WHERE clause. how to use case statement in oracle. In. if the column is one of the Oct 13, 2010 · Hello gurus, Can we use case statements in where clause ?? Any example will be great! And also i would like to know, besides CASE and DECODE statements, Is there any Aug 21, 2015 · SELECT case when x. SELECT In a simple CASE expression, Oracle Database searches for the first WHEN THEN pair for which expr is equal to comparison_expr and returns return_expr. so query is below May 6, 2015 · SELECT CASE WHEN USR. YYY_column = Dec 4, 2013 · Hi All,I want to use the CASE statement in the WHERE clause to build the condition for a column with different values, For appeals, questions and feedback, please email oracle-forums_moderators_us@oracle. The Oracle 8i release introduced the CASE May 28, 2024 · There is no true or false SQL keyword, for sure, but 'a' = 'a' evaluates to a boolean value, without the use of Y/N or 0/1. However, SQL does guarantee the order of processing in a case statement (that contains no Jul 22, 2022 · The with clause is here just to generate some sample data and, as such, it is not a part of the answer. You need to use stored procedure to achieve your aim. batch_type in ('E', 'F')) Oct 12, 2010 · USING SUBQUERY IN CASE i amd using emp table as an examplemy query is when i pass empno as parameter it should retrive data of that empno only, but when i pass nothing then it should fetch data of whole emp tablequery which i am using isSELECT * FROM EMP WHERE TO_char(EMPNO) IN CASE WHEN :EMPNO IS NOT NULL THEN :EMP Aug 17, 2010 · Hi All, I'm on oracle 10gr2. Jan 7, 2016 · So, looking at the merge statement which was output by your procedure, there are two issues that leap out, coincidentally on the same line: ID > (CASE WHEN DB_LINK = 'FONIC_RETAIL' THEN201601071130573261 ELSE END) AND You forgot to add in the space after the THEN in THEN' || LAST_SM_ID, plus you haven't catered for LAST_SM_ID_MB Apr 18, 2017 · Oracle SQL: Using CASE in a SELECT statement with Substr. For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. Jul 2, 2010 · I am facing a problem in executing queries with CASE statement. I have the following where clause,,whenre I need to use case for one of the filtering condition in the where clause. The SQL framed looks as below: +select Skip to Main Content. SELECT empno, ename, job FROM scott. Hi experts, I have Jul 19, 2011 · It is a perfect scenario for using CASE statement in WHERE clause, and here is the complete query in Oracle PL/SQL: SELECT U. using case when then variable allows you to use complex/compound conditions that case when doesn't. col1 then select from A1 and B1 and if not Jun 23, 2009 · As I had written in title, I have SQL query, run on Oracle DB, lets say: SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE TABLE. if seems like you just want to format the date. – potatopeelings. This Oct 30, 2017 · You don't want a case statement, just this: AND NOT (field_name = 'Oracle' AND data is null) You could do it with a case statement, but it'd be a little weird. Otherwise you will want to evaluate each condition in the May 28, 2020 · I am not sure why you are using the whole query inside CAST, but your problem can be resolved if you use SELECT and as follows: (see the inline comments in the code). select case when you might want to move the opening parentheses in the second then clause one word right. From the documentation Jul 3, 2024 · Is is possible to use a CASE statement inside an IN clause? This is a simplified version of what I have been trying to get to compile correctly: SELECT * FROM or if you Jul 11, 2016 · oracle sql - select statement with multiple "case when" and check for contains text. CASE WHEN ProductLine in ('R', 'r') THEN 'Road' WHEN ProductLine in ('M', 'm') Oct 18, 2009 · Is it possible to alias a column name and then use that in a CASE statement? For example, SELECT col1 as a, How would this work with a WITH clause? The column in the Oct 7, 2021 · Is CASE Used Only in SELECT Statements? Nope! Although it is most often used there, CASE is not limited to SELECT statements. COL1 END FROM A1,B1,C1; That is if A1. i was trying to use Case, but the problem is that Oct 20, 2013 · select * from mrcontract2 where term_date >= sysdate and eff_date <= sysdate The CASE statement is evaluated in order, so if any "case" is true then every case after it is ELSE clause. SELECT select_list FROM table_name Apr 16, 2015 · SELECT to_date((CASE WHEN extract (MONTH FROM Oracle SQL - Using CASE WHEN to select a proper date field. 2. However, you can specify LEVEL Dec 20, 2019 · SELECT DY,ME,NONME FROM ( SELECT LEVEL, TO_CHAR(SYSDATE+ROWNUM,'DAY') DY , 0 ME, 2 NONME FROM DUAL CONNECT BY Aug 15, 2014 · Oracle SQL CASE statement checking multiple conditions. where (l_batch_type = 1 and t. Something like. customer_id IS NULL; and when pcustomer_id IS NOT NULL then c. Jul 6, 2015 · I think you don't need CASE, rather you need NVL and NVL2. Take a look at what I've done below and you should be able to adapt it. In the form they can choose a start date and an end date, or pass through a null for both values. Vijay Balebail Vijay Apr 4, 2018 · Incidentally, if you were only using the l_tdoay_date value once - and didn't have the dbms_output debugging call at the end - you wouldn't need that variable; you can use case Jun 21, 2018 · I am working on Oracle Apex application. Also you have to keep in mind that CASE is tested sequentially meaning that the first one with WHEN condition satisfied will return the Jul 8, 2024 · I know i could probably accomplish this by easily putting two whole statements in a CASE statement itself, but i'm new to SQL and trying to learn to write this the most efficient and intelligent way without duplicating any logic, and so i figure maybe there is a way i can turn a where condition line on or off basically. If you need some kind of performance, you will need Oracle Oct 30, 2017 · You don't want a case statement, just this: AND NOT (field_name = 'Oracle' AND data is null) You could do it with a case statement, but it'd be a little weird. You missunderstood the CASE expression. You could use a union with a check for the variable in each branch: select * from t1 where :p1 = 1 union all select * from t2 where :p1 = 2; Jun 22, 2024 · @Aleksej: OP should select the answer that best suited his needs. It is not used for control of flow like it is in some other languages. Below is my sql query for it. Otherwise you will want to evaluate each condition in the CASE including what should display in the event none of the conditions is met; a default value. Your not actually comparing the end date to anything which is where you're missing something (it is expecting there result of your case statement to be compared to something) Aug 19, 2010 · Hi I have a question, how can I use case statement in where clause? I have multiple conditions in my where clausehow can i remove one of my multiple conditions using a case statement? Select * from myTable, yourTable where myTable. I've changed the table names and fields for this post. ACCOUNT = 545 AND A. vehicle_id. In a simple CASE expression, Oracle Database searches for the first WHEN THEN pair for which expr is equal to comparison_expr and returns Feb 10, 2011 · For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, Case statement in a where clause. CASE Expressions And Statements in Oracle. select Oct 25, 2012 · A different way to write case comes close, but then you have to repeat the variable:. If you aren't familiar with APEX, it uses low-code to Apr 16, 2014 · I need a query to return a certain result for a certain column depending on what value the column that is being run the select statement against has. When you say you don't need the where clause if condition is not met, then all you want is a condition like Sep 24, 2013 · Hi,I have to write follwing query using value of variable l_var in the case statementHow do i achieve this?select col3from testwhere col1='A'and case when l_var=''Y' Nov 30, 2021 · I want to write a query - to cover a case :- where I want to check if any misc value present for a code_id (a input vairable) if not then use code_id as default value (i. There is a major, major difference between using a CASE expression and boolean expressions in the WHERE clause. Ultimately what method you choose is dependent on your individual Feb 12, 2014 · Is it possible to use between operator within a CASE statement within a WHERE Clause ? For example in the code below, the condition should be pydate between (sysdate-12) 6 days ago · Even in Oracle (and in fact in the SQL standard), CASE is an expression that returns a single value. Table1. Technical questions should be asked in the appropriate Apr 27, 2004 · DECODE is considered one of the most powerful functions in Oracle, but the Oracle CASE statement is even better. ; How can I do it? SELECT * FROM customer_inf c WHERE IF pcustomer_id IS Sep 15, 2024 · A REGEXP_LIKE will do a case-insensitive regexp search. In a [NOT] IN condition in a WHERE clause, if the right-hand side of the condition is a subquery, you cannot use LEVEL on the left-hand side of the condition. SELECT no, Aug 30, 2021 · I am trying to write a "case" statement inside a "where clause" which has an "in" statement in the "then" part. Oracle 9i extended its support to PL/SQL to allow CASE to be used as an expression or statement. 3 when 'b' then 3 when 'b-' Oct 6, 2022 · Hi Expert, I want to use case statement in where clause. Using if condition Feb 1, 2018 · A CASE expression in the WHERE clause makes no sense, as you can always say the same with simple AND and/or OR. Is it possible to somehow do this? Aug 8, 2016 · No, you can't refer to the alias elsewhere in the same level of select, other than in the order by clause, because of when Oracle assigns it internally. select Invoice_ID, 'Unknown' as Invoice_Status, case when Invoice_Printed is null Jan 29, 2014 · SELECT t0. If I understand your requirement correctly, you need a particular row when the status value is NULL, else when not Aug 4, 2020 · Hello All, I am new to PL/SQL and trying to write conditional statement in join condition like below. If no Feb 20, 2013 · Since COL1 IN (COL1) is the same as true, you can rewrite your query like this:. col1 matches B1. Run describe table_name (where table_name is the name of Jun 3, 2009 · Case statement in Where clause. As you're checking whether the result of the case statement is the same as the ELSE clause then the statement is the same as the opposite of all other conditions. TUESDAY_YN Oct 25, 2016 · Multiple condition in one case statement using oracle. Is it possible to do this in Oracle SQL? I've tried this: Select ||CASE WHEN COL_A = 0 THEN 'COL_A' ELSE '' END||',' Jul 18, 2018 · SELECT some_dummy_colum FROM some_dummy_table WHERE some_dummy_coumn = 'MY_VALUE'; Desired Result: MY_VALUE I know that I could write something like. EmployeePayHistory AS ph1 ON e. "1", however doing so does not accomplish my goal. SELECT col1, col2 INTO v_col1,v_col2 FROM tab1 WHERE col3 = 'TEST'; Dec 14, 2020 · Using DECODE() function containing CASE. Both of them have a WHERE clause. This is what it looks like. I have a feeling this is very simple. Introduction to Oracle WHERE clause. customer_id = pcustomer_id. If you want to get your query working, you have to use the first case expression, and return a value, something like this: SELECT a_field FROM a_table WHERE Oct 20, 2013 · select * from mrcontract2 where term_date >= sysdate and eff_date <= sysdate The CASE statement is evaluated in order, so if any "case" is true then every case after it is ignored. CASE expression returns a value and you are trying to get another expression out of it. All SQL Select Into SQL Insert Into Select SQL Case SQL Null Functions SQL Stored Procedures SQL Comments SQL Operators The Apr 4, 2018 · Incidentally, if you were only using the l_tdoay_date value once - and didn't have the dbms_output debugging call at the end - you wouldn't need that variable; you can use case Aug 7, 2022 · From the documentaion:. id_1a_cbr = 9) OR (m_reaplicacao = 'N' AND ta. I have been searching the web inside out for a solution on how to convert it, without any success :/ The query looks like this i SQL: 3 days ago · Home » Articles » 9i » Here. somecol; The way you had it in the question Mar 24, 2011 · I Have a form, where the user pulls a report. Jun 30, 2016 · Something isn't right in this Your using the case in the where clause but I don't think that's where you want it. SELECT CASE Jul 1, 2024 · What is the equivalent of the below SQL Query in Oracle? SELECT CAST( CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM theTable where theColumn like 'theValue%') THEN 1 ELSE Feb 9, 2024 · Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. With the kind of query you want to do I can't help but think there Jul 9, 2024 · Oracle does not need to materialize inner queries before applying outer conditions It's possible to effectively define a variable that can be used in both the SELECT, WHERE and Apr 14, 2008 · Hi all, select * from ( SELECT rownum as rid,SAM. The WITH clause may be processed as an inline view or resolved as a temporary table. Jan 12, 2015 · It complains about missing )'s but i can't understand why it doesn't work (i have left off the other bits of the statement) Select (CASE WHEN REQUESTS. if the column is one of the Jul 7, 2024 · SELECT * FROM ScoresTable WHERE Score = (SELECT MAX(Score) FROM Scores) There is nothing wrong with using subqueries, except where they are not needed :) Aug 8, 2016 · No, you can't refer to the alias elsewhere in the same level of select, other than in the order by clause, because of when Oracle assigns it internally. * ,(CASE WHEN (A. This won't work Feb 11, 2019 · Hi, I cant find so I'd like to ask: I have view myView: create view myView as select * from myTable; and what is the difference between select * from myTable where myTable. SELECT statement in ELSE part? 0. Jun 29, 2011 · Is it possible to use a SELECT statement within case For ex, SELECT CASE WHEN A1. Value Match (Simple) CASE Expression; Searched CASE Expression; Value Match (Simple) CASE Statement; Searched CASE Oct 16, 2008 · I tried searching around, but I couldn't find anything that would help me out. vehicle_id ELSE d1. corresp_id, rea. COL1 Apr 24, 2007 · I find the case statement easier to interpret in the where clause with parenthesis, though it can be written either way. Hot Network Questions Identify this hose reel holder combination Some sites don't work properly on Android, but they work on Windows Sep 7, 2021 · If you use a CASE expression such as:. However, MAX is an aggregate function over multiple rows of Oct 17, 2024 · PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language Extension to the Structured Query Language and it is designed specifically for Oracle databases it extends Structured Query Sep 24, 2015 · As has been said, looking at the execution plan will give you some information. Jan 19, 2012 · I don't think that if-else statements can be used in pure Sql code. I'm trying to do this in SQL: declare @locationType varchar(50); declare @locationID int; SELECT column1, column2 FROM viewWhatever WHERE CASE @locationType WHEN 'location' THEN account_location = @locationID WHEN 'area' THEN xxx_location_area = @locationID WHEN May 4, 2017 · No, you can't do that.

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