You will hear a woman talking about retirement answer key. So I’m going to tell you a bit about their summer school.
You will hear a woman talking about retirement answer key. The information you are listening for, will come in the 8 A 9 C 10 B 11 B 12 C 13 A. What kind of programme is being advertised? A. There are some quite good performers and musicians in the school, so you’d have thought the preparation would be 8 A 9 B 10 B 11 C 12 B 13 C. 30 12 95 and 201. We were close to the stage so we had a 00:00. It’s been a while since I went to the theatre. A: That’s on Saturday: it’s your father’s birthday, don’t you remember? You will hear an English woman called Britta talking to an interviewer about her life in Berlin, the capital of Germany. Objective KEY Workbook. The woman thinks A the husband could be more organised. You will have 6 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer 16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her new boss. 12 contacts 13 mending 14 wood. . As you know tomorrow we are having a fire practice so today I need to tell you what to For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, В or C). The two friends are talking about 16 C 17 A 18 B 19 A 20 B. Listen to the interview and look at 8 B 9 A 10 B 11 B 12 A 13 A. 1 You hear a man talking about an ancient object he found in the ground. How does she get her ideas for her novels? A She bases her novels on personal experiences. Challenges women face when planning for Woman: All right, but it’s curry or fish and chips the next time! Now listen again. The maker of cartoon films. For each question, click on the correct answer and move it into the gap. Pause 15" You will hear Simon talking to Maria about a party. M: And you always had to repair it, didn’t you? 8 A 9 C 10 B 11 B 12 C 13 A. 1 You hear a man talking about planting flower seeds in his garden. This will help you answer the question. Brad says at first he found it difficult to do a good 14 on steep slopes. 16 £1. 9 Trinity 10 History. 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A. Today you’re going to do your project. 1 Raphael is thinking of learning the keyboard instead of the drums because A finding somewhere to practise the keyboard is less problematic. Section 2 Read these questions. Where has she been today? A the dentist’s B the doctor’s C the For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Got your message. Man: This week in the local activities part of the show, we’re taking a look at Science World, the new place to visit for a family day out. B they should get the children to do more. Audioscripts. This free KEY Listening Practice Test helps with the fourth part of the listening exam. Why is the Scroll down to see a transcript of the audio and the answers. Will Dad be able to come and get us? Mum: Yes, but don’t forget to text him when you catch the train. 1 You switch on the radio and hear this exchange in progress. B helped him to deal with stress. Please give a log explanation (15 marks) Give 4 suggestion wa My key role is ensuring the quality of the testing. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes below. 6 12th July (any convention) 7 video. Questions 6 – 10. C Most of the assistants are very helpful. Boy: No problem, mum. 1 You hear a person talking about a recently constructed road. M: Wow!It’s so hard learning the drums. Every thirty seconds, somewhere in the UK, this happens, Sometimes this happens, too It is certain that if you drive a car, sooner or later you will have to make an emergency stop. Now you You will hear an extract from a Part 2 recording in which a woman is talking to new staff at a children’s summer camp. 5 You hear a conversation about reading. For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. There are two parts in this section. Women’s basketball. What does he need at the moment? A more help B more articles C morefunds 2 You hear a British woman talking about naming children. 14 19th century 15 1975 16 attic. You hear two friends talking about a book. 6 You hear a woman talking about a concert being cancelled. 1 You hear a woman talking about her driving 1. Now listen again. B buying a new coat. What does the woman like about him? F: Our new boss came to work this morning. 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A. On last week’s programme we interviewed the man behind the idea of the International Camps. You will hear a representative from a holiday company called PS Camping giving a talk about the holidays the company organizes. I’m your guide and I’d like to tell you something about the tour. 2 You hear two students talking about working part 8 B 9 A 10 B 11 B 12 A 13 A. For each question, discuss who you will hear in the conversation and what the situation is. Why’s she upset? A Her train was delayed. Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: That play was really great, wasn't it? 9 (local) charity 10 industry 11 lawyer 12 chocolate 13 passport. B you can submit more than one entry. You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part 2. Can I help you? Carlos: Yes, my name’s Carlos Sanchez and I’d like some information. What pleases him most about his hobby? A the satisfaction of aiming for a complete collection B the idea that someone has used the coins in the past C the thrill of searching for unusual coins for his collection. C new windows. 30 each day. C your entry must be emailed. 16 You will hear a teacher talking to her class. The play is called Our House and it’s about teenagers and family life – something we can relate to, which, I suppose, is why it was chosen. 3 You hear a woman leaving a voicemail message for a friend about a job interview. It costs ( ) £ per week to be a member. The first is a good, year-round sun destination: The Canary Islands. Don’t forget, you hear the text twice so you can answer any questions that were missed, and check all answers, the second time you You will hear people talking in eight different situations. Why did she buy it? A It’s The sentences you hear will not be written out for you. It’s run every day for local children aged from seven to fourteen by a team of For each question, choose the correct answer. Brad particularly enjoys doing several 13 when he is going down a slope. You will have two minutes at the end of the test to check all your answers. 14 concert 15 (gold) medal (each) 16 problem-solving / solving problems. For each question, choose the correct answer. There is one question for each conversation. 2 You hear a woman talking about playing the piano. You will hear each situation twice. You will hear each conversation twice. 16 C 17 A 18 B 19 B 20 A. You hear a 6 You hear a novelist talking about how she writes. So I’m going to tell you a bit about their summer school. I’d like to 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 C 8 B. B He was irresponsible. 16 You will hear a woman and a police officer talking. You will hear two friends talking about a play they've just seen. There’s a film called Lightworld Two, or a comedy – I don’t mind which Shall we meet outside the cinema? Boy: Or, I know, at the coffee bar on the corner, we could have a snack before we go in. 17 dining room 18 lawyer 19 horse riding. Explain to students that they will be doing Part 4 of the A2 Key Paper 2 Listening exam. You will hear the talk twice. For questions 15-20, choose the 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 B 8 A. Hello, 776651 Yes, speaking. 2 at the company. What is he looking at? Woman: Can I help you sir? Man: Yes, I’m 6 You hear a woman talking about a concert being cancelled. Boy: I got everything I remembered. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer. From questions 1 to 5, choose the correct answer A, B or C for each question. 8. You will hear a woman called Angela Thomas, who works for a wildlife organisation, talking about the spectacled bear. My name’s Grace Connolly and I’m just back from a fantastic trip to New Zealand. 4 You hear two people on holiday in Morocco talking about a camel ride they’ve just done. So You will hear people talking in eight different situations. C He was inexperienced. C She’s broken her glasses. B She learned a lot of new things. Below are 30 Cambridge English: First (FCE B2) Listening Practice Tests with answer keys and tapescripts. You will hear a woman called Kelly Robinson talking about her work as a maker of cartoon films. For each question, put a tick in the correct box. You will hear the conversation twice. During your visit you’ll be able to find out about all the latest developments in science, as well as 9 (the) green bus 10 west 11 (the) dolphins. 6 Narrator: You will hear two friends talking about their homes. MAN: Yes, of 6 August 7 twenty five 8 assistant 9 English 10 jessyjones. Q You will hear a woman talking about retirement. 30, 5 17 Aerobic classes/Aerobics. Linda: Well, I was an assistant in an expensive cake shop in the small town where I lived. 16 You will hear a woman talking to a friend about an experience. This is a significant part of 19 You will hear a woman talking about her day at work. Woman: All the biology students will be excited to hear that there will be a trip to a local farm, next month. Why is the speaker calling? A to confirm some arrangements B to issue an invitation C to persuade someone to do something 2 You hear two people talking about a water 9 travel agent(‘s) / travel agency 10 poster 11 Changes. F: Most students in this college study in Brighton Summer School during the summer holidays and really enjoy it. For each question, write the correct answer in the gap 8 C 9 A 10 C 11 C 12 B 13 C. Have you lived here for a long time? Woman: Well, I was born in England, but I’ve lived in Germany You will hear a woman phoning a college about a course. You will hear three different extracts. Why did she sell her last car? M: So, you’ve got a new car, Susan?. C She felt she gave the right answers. Woman: Actually, I’m leaving work early because I need to do some shopping in the market, and I’m going to meet Sarah after that outside the cinema. What challenges do you think women face when planning for retirement? Answer. 15 foot 16 (wooden) mask 17 Lakeside 18 walking. Boy: Me, too. 1 You hear a musician talking about learning to play the drums. Man: I hear your brother got the job, Jenny. 17 8 / eight 18 10 / ten 19 bag. What is the woman’s problem? Police Officer: Excuse me, Miss. F: Not a good idea. 17 You will hear a woman talking to her son. You hear a young man talking about his hobby of rock climbing. Kelly did a degree in 14. PAUSE 00ʹ08ʺ M: I see you’ve been to that 19 G 20 D 21 F 22 H 23 B. 00 9 6. B She’s lost her wallet. Man: Okay, but we'd better hurry up and order online, or they might not have any left. Audioscript. PAUSE 00ʹ08ʺ M: I see you’ve been to that new clothes store in the shopping centre. 3 What has the man stopped doing recently? A B C. You will hear the recording twice. She is telling her friend about A the weather. 9 hot-air balloon 10 castle 11 seabirds. For each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C, and put a tick (3) in the appropriate box. 8 50 9 biostaff 10 prize. What does the boy like about it? A It’s short. A: So, what are you going to study at university, then?. 1 You hear a teacher talking to her class Woman: They have to be – to live in those hot dry places. 2 Listening y Part 1 Questions 1 – 8 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. C She should have been told sooner. 15 school / schoolroom 16 (small) museum. 00 each but, of course, students who are in 3 You will hear a man and a woman talking about writing blogs. 19 G 20 D 21 F 22 H 23 B. Do you know who used cocoa beans as money in the 16th century, or where chocolate was drunk as a medicine? At the Dorset Chocolate Museum, 11 B 12 A 13 C 14 B 15 A. 1 You are visiting a friend when you hear him answer the telephone. You will hear a woman talking on the radio about a new sports centre. We need to look at how other countries deal with this problem 18 You will hear two friends talking about a book they’ve read. What must the son remember to do? Mum: Now, I can take you to the train station to get the train to the concert in New Town, but I can’t pick you and Harry up later. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer (A, B or C). 14 Monday afternoon/p. What are you doing here? John: I’ve come for a singing lesson too. a quiz show 2. Woman: Rosie, I’ve found some information about that dance competition that you’re interested in. 8 A 9 B 10 A 11 B 12 B 13 C. A it was too long. Answered over 90d ago. F: So Ryan, what did you make of the new album by Stoneheart?. Louise: John. How does he feel about it? A satisfied with his level of expertise B concerned about doing a dangerous sport C proud when he copes with difficult conditions. Brad says you must never 15 if you feel you’re about to fall. Interviewer: Good evening and welcome to the programme where, as you know, we go out and talk to people who run their own companies. Children’s tickets are £2. You will hear people talking, in 5 different situations. Stangrave & Hoxton College You will hear a college lecturer talking to a class of business students about a merger between two supermarket chains. 9 (modern European) history 10 turn off their mobile phones. Woman: Yes, I know. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. It’s perfect for you because it’s for children who are between thirteen and fifteen. 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A. For questions 1 – 8 , choose the best answer (A, B or C). You can learn to ( ) at 5. Write one or two words or a number or 16 C 17 A 18 B 19 B 20 A. What does the teacher want her class to do? A work more quickly B make less noise C help each other more 17 You will hear two friends talking about their day. Woman: This is the information line for the Dorset Chocolate Museum; the home of chocolate lovers and the ideal place to spend an afternoon. By looking at the word before and after the gaps, you could get a good idea if the missing word is going to be a noun, verb, adjective, adverb etc. 8 You will hear two friends talking about learning to play the drums. Talk/Lecture 3. Girl: I think I heard a few – perhaps they 6 UCLES 2020 0510/42/F/M/20 Exercise 4 7 You will hear a student called Anna talking to Ben Hamilton, a personal trainer, about his work helping people to keep fit. Now this will take just a minute. The Christmas party is that weekend. This will be at the end of term, on Monday, December 20th. Woman: Thanks I ll definitely avoid that one. 2 What was the woman doing when her phone rang? A B C. 19 The main reason Alex got into rap music was because. I got a couple of tops and You will hear Kate and Jeremy talking about a party. You will hear the interview twice. They’ve written the lyrics and music for her new album together. Test 4 answer key Woman: Oh good! Well, you take care then. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 5. Rubric: 8 – You will hear two friends talking about a new clothes shop. Write one or two words, or a number, in each gap. My name is David and I’m your tour guide. Look at questions 21 - 25 now. 7 You hear a woman talking to her friend on the bus. 16 traffic (noise) 17 (piece of) furniture 18 gardening. Girl: I was very excited when I was picked to play Angie in our school musical. You will hear each piece twice. 20 You will hear a woman talking You will hear people talking in eight different situations. 16 2. Louise: Well, if it’s a secret I won’t tell anyone. Fill out a form Cambridge English Key (KET) listening test, part 4 -form-filling. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. How can I help you? WOMAN: Oh, hi, yes, I’ve come in to find out about renting stuff for a 21st birthday party. 00 for guests. You hear a film review on the radio. 4 You hear a radio announcer talking about a competition for writers of short stories. B: Oh, yeah, I’d forgotten about that. Man: Are you and Sarah going straight to the restaurant from work tonight?. Man: Let’s go and order some coffee from him after basketball practice!. Man: Britta, you’re English, but you live in Berlin. For 1. 1 You hear a student talking about her university course. 18 beach. Complete the notes below. F: Oh, you saw the logo on these bags! Yes, it’s really popular. For each question 23 — 30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. 18 You will hear a girl talking about going to school. You hear two friends, Lizzie and Raphael, talking about playing the keyboard and the drums. 7 observation Synthetic pesticides are mentioned, but Ben doesn’t use them, and he says that observation is more important than the protection of young trees. Part One. Hi there. Man: So, are you ready for the theatre this evening?I can’t wait. You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. Conversation One (Questions 1 ñ 4) Look at the notes below. What does the man think about the woman’s choice? Talk/Lecture 1. F: Thanks!I was always late with my old car. B it’s easier to control the volume on a keyboard. B: History. What kind of information is she Answer all the questions. Woman: Thank you for calling the North London Arts Cinema, Wood Green. Louise: I’ve just arrived for my singing lesson with Mrs Thompson. Stangrave & Hoxton College You will hear a college lecturer talking to a class of business students about a merger between two Notes for holiday. You definitely wouldn't get that at the other site, though I've heard that the showers 8 B 9 B 10 A 11 C 12 A 13 B. 17 school holidays 18 suspicious. Extract One You 18 You will hear two teachers talking outside a shop. It might sound a bit 8 C 9 B 10 C 11 B 12 A 13 B. Hi. 17 200 / two hundred 18 Manager 19 Tea and juice. So I thought that this week you’d be interested to hear more about one of the Camps which will be held later this year. You will hear an extract from a Part 2 recording in which a woman is talking to new staff at a children’s summer camp. Int: Now Linda, let’s talk about your first job. Adriana: So what you’re saying is, the questions can help me with the answers. Skip to document. Will email the flight number - must find out which 1 arriving at Answer: terminal Locate Listen from here - best taxi company 2 Answer: Pantera 8 B 9 A 10 B 11 B 12 A 13 A. 16 You will hear a mother talking to her son. You hear a public announcement at a family theme park. He looks like our friend John, but he You will hear people talking in eight different situations. C it was a strange story. 16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about her new car. 6 You hear an art critic talking about a famous painting. Female: The library’s closed until Thursday. There is no one to answer your call at the moment. It kept breaking down. 3 UCLES 2020 0510/42/M/J/20 [Turn over Exercise 2 5 You will hear a scientist giving a talk about small birds called hummingbirds. Talk/Lecture 2. So I am here to tell you everything you need to know about us. For each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C, and put a tick ( ) in the appropriate box. 12 Japan 13 bike/bicycle 14 Adventure Tours. 1 You overhear a A2 Key Paper 2 Listening Part 5 Answer key Step 4 green/underlined = cue word blue/bold = correct answer red/italics = distractor You will hear Simon talking to Maria about a party. There is then a 20-minute talk about the history of the house. 8 You will hear a wife and her husband talking about housework. 11 9500 / nine and a half thousand / nine thousand five hundred. 8 jittersea 9 college 10 175. Whether that made the villagers more formal in the way they treated me – for the first few months at least – I really don’t know. I like Rubric: Now look at part 2. 37. There are two questions for each extract. While you are listening, write your answers on the question paper. Travel information. В It’s educational. 9 You will You will hear a woman talking about retirement. What criticism does the reviewer make? A the acting is poor В the music is unsuitable C the story is difficult to follow. I was thinking of Friday. B the equipment is very good. For questions 1 – 8, choose the best answer (A, B or C). Extract One. What is she doing when she Retirement is a major decision that takes planning and reflection. (6) Tickets will be on sale in the gym during the break, until Friday. University; High School. 7 You hear a man and woman talking about a flat they are considering renting. Milk, bread, vegetables, and the newspaper. Speaker 1. This is a longer dialogue with five gaps to complete. Complete a test and get a score (out of 190) and your Cambridge English, A2 Key – Listening. M: This is an extremely glossy, well-produced, great-sounding, pop-metal 8 A 9 C 10 B 11 B 12 C 13 A. C She lets ideas develop gradually in her mind. What do they 14 walking 15 600 / six hundred 16 diving. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C. John: It’s OK, Louise, I’m going to be in a musical show, so everyone will know soon. 1 You hear a radio presenter introducing a programme. 5 A 6 C 7 B 8 B. Hi! I’m Julie, and I’d like to tell you about my birthday which I celebrated last week. Talk to a 14 Introduction 15 questions 16 next to. 1 at university. 75. B It should be re-arranged for a later date. 6 playground 7 Williams 8 12. C they should employ a cleaner. My intention was to raise awareness of a key problem we need to address. Woman: Mine s 8 B 9 C 10 A 11 C 12 A 13 B. The woman suggests that the man should A try looking online. New sports centre It opens on ( ) It is opposite the ( ) The car park entrance is in ( ) Road. 00 8 costumes. Boy: Oh. 5 You will hear someone talking about 14 history 15 other sweets 16 January. C they should Woman: I agree with you. There are two questions for each Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 A. 17 You will hear two friends talking about a drawing course. Listen to the talk and complete the details below. (A, B or C). 2. Many people have asked me why I decided to move abroad after An older woman's transition into retirement is shown as an example, where she finds new hobbies and undertakes new roles within her community. Brad advises against putting your weight on your 16 in a fall. It’s good to see so many new faces here today although I’m sure most of you are feeling a little lost at the moment. 17 heating (bill(s)) 18 dry. It may be information about places and events, or people talking about courses/trips/holiday activities. It really was the trip of a lifetime, and I’d like to tell you all about it. Ideally, you want to make the transition in a way that leaves you feeling happy and engage 1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 C 7 B 8 A. 11 9 – 12. 23 The merger was estions 8-13 You will hear a woman called Lucy talking on the radio about a new magazine. Pause 05” 16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about why she bought a motorbike. 1 Where will the woman go first after work?. News travels fast in a small village, I suppose, so everyone seemed to know before I got there that I’d be teaching at the local school. Adult tickets will cost £3. You will hear a student giving a talk about a young pilot called Sara Rainey, and her flight across the Atlantic Ocean. The man took the object to a museum because A he thought it might be valuable. 1 two friends, a at they would like to live in 2 For each question in Exercise 2, choose the correct answer. 8 You will hear two friends talking about a trip to the theatre. 8 You will hear two friends talking about a new café in town. Girl: Hi, it’s Maria. 12 17 You will hear a teacher talking to her class. 12 (local) (African) farmers 13 three / 3 weeks. 1 Where will the friends meet?. 8 leaves Bark is also mentioned, but it’s when leaves are discoloured that the tree needs fertiliser. You can play the recording TWO times. You will hear a woman telephoning a conference centre office. Oh the 12th May this year. 00 for parents and (7) £4. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each Age of car: just under 13 years old. Sailing club trip. It’s in my bag. 1 What is the man’s problem? A Nobody will listen to his complaints at work. B: But aren’t grandma and granddad having lunch with us at home?. Kelly really enjoys going to work because of the 14. Before that, I lived in Bonn for six years, but I work as a journalist, and when the newspaper moved to Berlin, I moved with them. I’m a keen gardener and there’s nothing I enjoy more than seeing For each question, choose the correct answer. Woman: Actually, I’m You will hear people talking in eight different situations. 99 10 5644300. Part 2. What did the girl enjoy most about the course? A The teacher was great fun. P = Presenter R = Roger. 8 You will hear a boy talking to a friend about his grandma’s house. 1 Who is Jenny’s brother?. Why is the speaker 6 run 7 exit 8 building 9 gym 10 1. I’ve been learning about child development on my college course and it’s interesting to see how my young cousin matches up to the different stages. B Ideas come to her once she starts writing. You will hear a radio interview with a woman called Maria Grant, about singing in a choir and then 16 B 17 C 18 B 19 A 20 C. Key Words You will hear three different extracts. 14 motorbike / motorcycle 15 (the) (local) women. You will hear a woman phoning a college about a course. English Language 100% (3) Recommended for you. C was late for the lecture. C keyboards are much more portable. After each part, you will have a ten-second pause to do. It looks really nice. a drama series C. It’s called Helping because it’s about what people do You will hear a woman called Kelly Robinson talking about her work as a maker of cartoon films. 8 W hat KEY FOR SAMPLE TEST 2 Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 1 A 8 C 20 B 2 C 9 B 21 A 3 A 10 A 22 B 4 A 11 C 23 A 5 A 12 B 24 B 6 B 13 A 25 B 7 C Rub out any answer you want to change with an eraser. 8 C 9 A 10 C 11 C 12 B 13 C. 2 You hear a Extract One. Girl: I enjoyed that. Jenny: Good idea!And after that, we can go to the shoe shop on the corner. 5 C 6 C 7 B 8 B. What did she like best? F: Work was great today! First, we had a meeting where our boss talked to us about the company’s future Listening Part 1. 19 You will hear two friends talking about a computer game. Jenny: Yes. We can't just say, 'go out and play a sport' without first investing more on sports venues. What do they think about the road? A They believe it will make 8 You will hear two people talking about buying a bicycle. 17 social worker 18 information pack. Don’t forget your student ID, will you? They always ask to see it before they give you the student discount. 5 A 6 C 7 A 8 B. b) They are talking about a school camping trip. 1 You are watching TV and you hear this advertisement. C It’s amusing. F: Yeah, do you 157 Test 8 Key Listening (approximately 40 minutes) Part 1 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 A 7 A 8 B Part 2 9 engineer 10 skis 11 loneliness/lonelyness 12 water 13 weight 14 toes 15 rest 16 half(-)way 17 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 C. d) You have to write your answers. C improved his academic performance. Interviewer: My guest today is the star of the London Ballet Company, twenty-two-year-old Elena Karpov. 2 You hear two friends talking about advertising. c) There are four questions. 16 You will hear a woman talking to her son, Ben. Woman: Yes, I’m really excited too. M: I’m trying to decide when to do the meeting with the English. You overhear two friends, John and Diane, discussing holiday plans. 9. I arrived in Berlin about four years ago. 1 You hear a woman talking on the radio. You can use the order of the information on the page to help you follow the recording. You hear part of a talk on the radio. However that’s not a problem. She doesn’t know where the restaurant is, you see. Woman: Hi. You saw the film last night, didn’t you? Woman: Yes, me and lots of 16 A 17 A 18 A 19 C 20 B. M: Good morning everyone and welcome to Stonebridge House. I don’t think either of them played a wrong note in the whole performance. John: Oh Louise. You can listen to the audio twice. We have an announcement and the announcement is: Could the owner of the grey Skoda, registration CRA 179P please remove his car from its parking space at the far end of the street? 9 (modern European) history 10 turn off their mobile phones. Man: I only looked through the window. 17 tourist office(s). S. It’s important to You will hear three different extracts. 1 You hear a student talking to her tutor about studying history at university. It’s only part-time because he’s still at school. 4 Listen to this woman introducing a college lecture. 6 Friday 7 4. You will hear a woman on the radio talking about a charity event in her area. It’s run every day for local children aged from seven to fourteen by a team of 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 C. 16 A 17 A 18 A 19 C 20 B. KET 1 Europe Level A2 12 PAPER 2 LISTENING (approximately 30 minutes, including 8 minutes transfer time) PART 1 QUESTION 1-5 You will hear five short 6 Part 4 Questions 16 – 20 For each question, choose the correct answer. PAUSE 00’40” M: male, teens, US accent 1 You hear a man and a woman talking about a department store. B They’ve had a meal. Have you got a driving licence? Woman: Yes. 1 When is the Christmas office party?. How does the woman feel now about her first job in retailing? You will hear people talking in eight different situations. there are 6 questions Many peo. The man says that one of the rules is that A you have to be over sixteen to enter. What is the woman’s opinion of the store? A The prices are generally reasonable. 15. Example. Complete the notes with words from the recording. Woman: I’m sure you are all looking forward to the school play. You hear a message on a telephone answering machine. 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 A 8 C. Man: I’ve been on an elephant before, but it wasn’t as difficult as the camel. You will hear a woman talking about retirement. 5 A 6 B 7 C 8 A. You will hear a conversation about pets. He says it has A boosted his confidence. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C). I wanted to earn extra money for myself because I come from a family of seven and my parents couldn’t afford to give us much pocket money. 1 You hear a man talking about collecting old coins. 9 weather Two factors are mentioned, but the weather is more important than the delivery dates. 20 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 B 8 A. What job did the man hire somebody else to do? A building the furniture B painting the room C making the window 4 Part 2 Questions 9 – 18 You will hear part of a talk about a bank robbery that was 9 composer 10 concert halls / concerts. Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Unit 4 Section 4 4))) Questions 1 -4 35 You will hear a woman talking to some students about her job. / United States (of America). That’s 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 B. Mileage: 2 Answer: 62,000 Locate Listen from here. 5 You hear two people talking about holidays. A: Are you looking forward to the music class tomorrow?Remember some professional musicians are coming to do a drumming workshop with us. 1 Well, there are two campsites, about five kilometres apart, but I'd go to the Morvich site if I were you - unless you want to be near the castle and the museum, which are a fair distance from it even if you're driving. 13 8 weeks 14 The British Museum. Listen and complete questions 16-20. In pairs, look at questions 1 6. Write ONE word or a number, a date, a time. Yeah, I’d like to go to the movies. It’s important to remember to check your spelling and grammar when you answer the questions because you’ll lose marks if there are mistakes in these. Yes, that’s right It’s a Wattari 76C You will hear part of a radio programme in which two people, Sally White and Martin Jones, are discussing the popularity of audio books. Hummingbirds These tiny birds are found in North and South America. She thinks 8 A 9 C 10 C 11 B 12 A 13 C. 20 B 21 A 22 A 23 B 24 A 25 B. Now read questions 15 to 19. You will hear people talking in eight different situations. 1 John thinks Diane’s indecision about the holiday is 1 You hear a man talking about collecting old coins. Man: I’ve just been into the shopping centre. It was my last year at school, before I went to college. I like to help when I can. I’m a student at the Central School and I’d like to join the library. C She made new friends. NOTES ABOUT SEMINAR Date: 21 st February Title: (1 17 You will hear a teacher talking to her class. I’ve never done any drumming before. [pause] Now we are ready to start. C he wanted to know what it was. You hear an announcement on the radio. You will hear each part twice. What is the woman encouraging the man to do? A visit particular countries B go on an environmentally-friendly holiday C travel with a large group of people. Extract One You hear part of an interview with a woman who works in retail management. You’ll hear part of a radio programme about bags for walkers. They agree that A it looks great from the outside. A ( ) is provided. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, В or C). Where did she go? Woman: It was fantastic!Really! And the story was so exciting. What 9 Trinity 10 History. The test is in four parts. Boy: I like it. C She should have 8 A 9 C 10 B 11 B 12 C 13 A. Listen to the interview You will hear people talking in eight different situations. Man: So, Storm Cloud. What do they need to think 19 You will hear a woman talking to a friend on the phone. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. He came to London in the sixties and made a name for himself in the West End before moving into film and television. I think it opened some time ago actually. For each question, click on the correct answer and move it into the 8 You will hear a wife and her husband talking about housework. Woman: I hope you didn’t forget anything!. You will hear a woman talking on the telephone to a man about a car he is selling. Listen to the interview and look at the questions. (6) Courses start on the twentieth of June so you can choose any date that suits you until August the 15th. I think she For each question, choose the correct answer. I read an interview with her and she said that she’s been working with a songwriter lately. Listen carefully. Explain to students that they will be doing Part 3 of the A2 Key Listening exam. Er Excuse me everybody this will only take a minute. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. B There is a wide range of items on sale. She thinks You will hear a woman called Britt Foxton talking about women’s basketball. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences. Every day he’s up to something new and he’s developing in leaps and bounds. The competition’s on the fourth of August, but you’ve got to enter by the twelfth of July. You have 15 seconds. Underline the key words in each question. answer the questions based on you hear. Girl: How’s your grandma’s house?. Woman: Good morning and welcome to our seminar on the toy industry. What should the students remember to do in their exam today? Woman: Now, today is your first exam of the year in English. MAN: Hello, welcome to Harry’s Hire Company. The visiting lecturer A has recently changed career. Why is the woman unhappy? Woman: I’m not going in there, again! The shop assistants were very polite, but even I know more about There are two parts in this section. See you. Books; Discovery. 19 computer(s). A. You hear someone talking about women’s football. 1 You hear a student talking about a school magazine he publishes. Guide: Welcome to Amersham House. I need some smart shoes for my new job. Why did the man decide to start blogging? For each question, choose the correct answer. All we wanted was to be able to go for walks and enjoy the stunning views of the lake. You will hear a woman talking to sailing club members about a trip. I had it for 14 years. 6 UCLES 2022 0510/42/O/N/22 Exercise 4 7 You will hear an interview with a man called Liam Batchelor, who spent two years cycling around the world. Have you lived here for a long time? Woman: Well, I was born in England, but I’ve lived in Germany for the past twenty years. Advanced (C1) Stunt woman for a day - Listening script advanced stunt woman for day scripts part extract you hear two students talking about lecture on social. Presenter: Hi there. When I was nine, I went on to ballet lessons and from the kind of words and language you’ll hear. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, В or C) which fits best according to what you hear. 15 America / U. Colour: 1 Answer: grey/gray Locate Listen from here. The North London Arts Cinema is open seven days a week, showing a variety of British and Now we shall begin. You will hear two people talking about a problem at work. Why did she buy it? M: So, you’ve got a motorbike, Sally? F: Yeah, what do you think? M: Cool! F: Thanks! I paid quite a lot for it, but I'll be able to get to college in ten minutes now. M: Village Cinema is opening on the 1st of June and will stay open for the summer still September 15th. a documentary B. M: It’s great!. Where did she go? Woman: It was fantastic! Really! And the story was so exciting. You overhear a woman recommending a campsite. 1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 A. Rubric: Now look at part 2. From Test 1 answer key Now look at Part Two. As a lead-in, ask students to work together and think about going on holiday. Yes, you can find almost anything you want there but it always seems to be really crowded, with lots of people waiting to pay because it s short of sta . 1 You hear a woman speaking about her career. What will each person 1 You hear a man talking about collecting old coins. 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 B 8 A. I’m here today to talk about a wonderful project I’ve been involved in this summer called the Children’s University. We were close to the stage so we had a great view. 8 You will hear two friends talking about a film. After you hear each sentence, read the four choices on the screen and decide which one is closest in meaning to the sentence you 11 You will hear two friends talking about a new science building at their school. B has made a new discovery. Woman: I think I’ll keep to horses! Now listen again. (14) This morning I’m going to show you around this wonderful 19th century house (15) which was the home of the Reynold family for more than 150 years, until 1975, when it became a national 3 You are sitting in a cafe when you hear this woman speaking. I wasn’t sure whether it’d be useful for a career at first, but you can’t overlook the way history helps us gain an understanding of the world around us – and why it is the way it is today. Elena, you were born in Bulgaria. For 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 A 8 C. 1 You hear a message on a telephone answering machine. You will hear part of a radio programme in which two people, Sally White and Martin Jones, are discussing Read the Part 2 questions and underline the key words and ideas. Choose the best answer for each question. F Pupils may complain about taking exams but most teachers would say it is far worse to have to supervise candidates while they are writing their exam papers. The play is called Our House and it’s about teenagers and a) You will hear a student talking. 00:00. 9 You will hear two friends talking about a university. M: Hello everyone. there are 6 questions. Write one or two words or a number or a date or a time. According to Brad, you need a lot of 12 to set off down the mountain. C get advice from an expert. You will hear people talking in six di erent situations. It looks so easy but it’s really All the recordings will be played once only. There’s a new cafe by the station. The cinema is located opposite Green Park at the corner of Oxford and White Street. m. F: Yeah, do you like it?. What did Ben forget to do? Woman: Thanks for doing the shopping, Ben!. 1. What will each person 6 UCLES 2022 0510/42/O/N/22 Exercise 4 7 You will hear an interview with a man called Liam Batchelor, who spent two years cycling around the world. We wanted the trip to be on the 18th April, but April’s a very busy month for farms. There are five parts to the test. Good morning, I’d like to welcome you to Trinity college. The costumes were amazing. Now turn to part 1. Man: I like my room, though I haven t got much space for my things. Wait a minute Here it is! Police Officer: Let’s see the date on the licence. Where are they going to eat on Sunday? A: How about going to the new pizza restaurant near the station on Sunday?. As a lead-in, ask students to work together and think of answers to the following question: What do Question. 16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about why she’s bought a motorbike. View sample Answer Key Recording Transcript 9 (local) charity 10 industry 11 lawyer 12 chocolate 13 passport. Previous owner was a 3 Answer: teacher KET 1 Europe Level A2 12 PAPER 2 LISTENING (approximately 30 minutes, including 8 minutes transfer time) PART 1 QUESTION 1-5 You will hear five short conversations. 11 20 minutes 12 prospects / future jobs. 100 % Q Explanation on the functions of the NUBE trade union. Although it is small it has a very big bedroom but the colours aren’t what I’ve ever chosen. Eight. 20 You will hear a man talking in a shop. B go to a different shop. Instructions to candidatesIn the actual test you will be given the following instructions:do not open this question paper until you are told to do sowrite yo A He was impatient. Retirement is a major decision that takes planning and reflection. 17 June 18 bus tour 19 return flights. 12 town 13 fashionable 14 market 15 honey. Britt first designed her website when she was at iSTUDY_ACADEMY PREPARED BY KHAYRULLOEV M You will hear people talking in eight different situations. C it is very well decorated. 16 sand sculptures 17 windsurfing 18 guidebook. Woman: I love being a travel writer, and I love talking about my trips, so thank you for inviting me into the studio today!Right, I’m going to tell you about three different holidays that I can recommend to everyone. So (6) we’ll go the following month, on May 19th, before examinations begin on June 2nd. It will last 45 minutes. Female: Hello, West College. Listen again and check your answers. You saw the film last night, didn’t you? Woman: Yes, me and lots of 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 A. 1 What did the man refuse to do? A B C. Ideally, you want to make the transition in a way that leaves you feeling happy and engage 6 tiger 7 10:45 (any convention) 8 Sohatu 9 37 / thirty-seven 10 poster Audioscript. What pleases him most about his hobby? A the satisfaction of aiming for a complete collection B the idea that someone has used the coins A a retirement party B a graduation ceremony C a wedding. At the end of the test you will be given ten minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet. M: Oh!You mean everyone will be getting ready for it? F: Exactly!It’s also Mr Johnson’s birthday on Saturday and his assistant is thinking of surprising 6 You hear a woman talking about moving to Scotland. Now, listen to part 1 again. You will hear each recording twice. You hear two students talking about a holiday abroad. I went there last week. Listening Part 1. 1 You are at a public celebration when you hear this announcement. 7 You hear a 6 19th May 7 coach. What have they just done? A They’ve been to a concert. What is she doing when she speaks? A encouraging young girls to support a team B suggesting how to attract young girls to the sport C asking young girls to take the sport For questions 1-8, choose the best answer 1 You hear a woman talking about the final episode of a TV series. The girl is talking to the boy about it because You will hear people talking in eight different situations. 18 Western House. EFSET questions 3 (long) You will hear someone talking about CAE Listening Part 1. Good 6 August 7 twenty five 8 assistant 9 English 10 jessyjones. They agree that. You will hear two people talking about buying a bicycle. B he decided to record his find. 9 Field 10 drinks. You will hear a man and a woman talking about a room in the man's house. For questions 1-5, put a tick under the right answer. [repeat] Question 11 Eleven. 15 Egyptian Mummies. Interviewer: Visitors to the small Devon village of Whimple might be forgiven for looking twice as they pass the garden of Elizabeth Holmes. 13 a reporter 14 poem 15 adventure 16 retires. 1 You hear two school friends talking about a drumming workshop they will take part in. You’ll hear someone talking to a group of students about a visit to an Arts Centre. B its end wasn’t clear. My dad promised me a treat for the day – a special trip! You will hear a woman asking for information about a festival. Did you always want to be a dancer? Elena: Well, I was a very lively little girl, so at the age of seven my mother sent me to gymnastics classes. Part 1. P: Okay Roger, Now, this man was born in South Western Australia in 1946. That’s only Woman: A week ago, yes. There are some quite good performers and musicians in the school, so you’d have thought the preparation would be 6 forty-five / 45 7 garden 8 cakes 9 five/5 10 students. 1 You hear a woman talking on the radio about an FCE Listening Practice Tests. You saw the film last night, didn’t you? Woman: Yes, me and lots of teenagers all excited about seeing their action heroes. What does she think about this? A She is glad it will not take place. Which department would you like? Carlos: The library please. I enjoyed it! I think anyone would like it, whatever their age – lots of action, an exciting plot, a happy ending.
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